Selasa, 29 November 2011

fire dance

                    Tarian ini merupakan salah satu jenis tarian modern yang di adopsi dari tarian tradisional yang pernah ada. Seperti di bali, dulu dikenal dengan tari Sang Hyang Jaran, dan sampai saat ini masih di lestarikan. begitu halnya dengan fire dance yang terlihat menari-nari dengan memainkan api sebagai media.

                 Dijelaskan dalam Wikipedia tentang fire dance, "Fire dancing (also known as "fire twirling," "fire spinning," "fire performance," or "fire manipulation") is a group of performance arts or disciplines that involve manipulation of objects on fire. Typically these objects have one or more bundles of wicking, which are soaked in fuel and ignited.
Some of these disciplines are related to juggling or baton twirling (both forms of object manipulation), and there is also an affinity between fire dancing and rhythmic gymnastics. Firedancing is often performed to music. Fire dancing has been a traditional part of cultures from around the world, and modern fire performance often includes visual and stylistic elements from many traditions.
Fire dancing is a very dangerous performance art, and fire safety precautions should always be taken".

Thank's to Parwata Wayan  untuk atraksinya yang sangat indah.
Photo ini diambil dengan kamera poket, Sony DSC W270

Jumat, 04 November 2011

bade dalam pelebon / ngaben

Ngaben, or Cremation Ceremony, is the ritual performed in Bali to send the deceased to the next life. The body of the deceased will be placed as if sleeping, and the family will continue to treat the deceased as sleeping. No tears are shed, because the deceased is only temporarily not present and will reincarnate or find his final rest in Moksha (freeing from the reincarnation and death cycle).
The proper day of the ceremony is always a matter of consulting a specialist on ceremony days. On the day of the ceremony, the body of the deceased is placed inside a coffin. This coffin is placed inside a sarcophagus resembling a buffalo (Lembu) or in a temple structure (Wadah) made of paper and wood. The buffalo or temple structure will be carried to the cremation site in a procession. The procession is not walking in a straight line. This is to confuse bad spirits and keep them away from the deceased.
The climax of Ngaben is the burning of the whole structure, together with the body of the deceased. The fire is necessary to free the spirit from the body and enable reincarnation.
Ngaben is not always immediately performed. For higher caste members it is normal to perform the ritual within 3 days. For lower caste members the deceased are buried first and later, often in a group ceremony for the whole village, cremated.

sore hari di Sawah KutaRaga

keindahan sang bunga

Jepun Bali
Bunga ini banyak di gunakan sebagai sarana persembahyangan di Bali.

Jepun Jepang
Jenis bunga ini sempat menjadi primadona beberapa tahun yang lalu, karena memiliki keindahan dan batang serta bunganya dapat dimodifikasi bahkan harganya sempat mencapai puluhan sampai ratusan juta